About Us

The Ohr Chabad Team

We’re not just building homes; we’re building a community.

At the lead of this project, is a dynamic group of incredible families who have dedicated their lives to building the most beautiful community imaginable, with a light so powerful to spread across the world. Each family brings their own life experience and talents, and works through committees and roles to build the community, yishuv, and education programs.

Board of Directors

Established by Agudas Chassidei Chabad (the directing office of Chabad in Israel), the Board of Directors guides the project through to success. Each member brings immense experience and understanding of the elements needed to build a successful Chabad village and institutions, and are involved in operations on a day-to-day level.

Rabbi Zalman Gorelik

Head Shliach of Beersheva
Rabbi Gorelik is the head shliach to Chabad of Be’er Sheva, where he successfully shaped a large Chabad community with infrastructure including multiple schools, food for the needy, and dozens of Chabad Houses.
Rav Gorelik

Rabbi Ariel Lemberg

CEO of Aguch
Rabbi Ariel Lemberg is the CEO of Agudas Chassidei Chabad in Israel, where he has been running operations since 2007. Rabbi Lemberg sits on several Chabad management boards, including that of Tzach, Beit Rivka, and Reshet Chinuch Chabad.
Rabbi Ariel Lemberg

Rabbi Yaakov Mendelson

Head Shliach of Arad
Rabbi Mendelson is the head shliach to Arad and director of Or Menachem schools. He also serves as the Rav of the Tamar Regional Council, including the small communities of the area.
Rav Mendelson

Rabbi Mendy & Bruria Efune

Yishuv Directors
Mendy and Bruria Efune have been leading the project to build Ohr Chabad since forming the idea in 2011. Mendy grew up on Shlichus in Brighton, UK, and is a co-founder of ringiq.ai. Bruria Efune comes from Canada, her writing can be found across social media, and on chabad.org.
Mendy & Bruria Efune

Board of Management

The Board of Management is the legal body elected to govern and develop the yishuv. In Ohr Chabad we find it important that both the male and female voice are equally heard on issues, and therefore our board of management is represented in couples.

Rabbi Mendy & Bruria Efune

Yishuv Directors
Mendy and Bruria Efune have been leading the project to build Ohr Chabad since forming the idea in 2011. Mendy grew up on Shlichus in Brighton, UK, and is a co-founder of ringiq.ai. Bruria Efune comes from Canada, her writing can be found across social media, and on chabad.org.
Mendy & Bruria Efune

Rabbi Ezzy & Michal Morgenstern

Rabbi Yisroel “Ezzy” Morgenstern is a civil engineer and owner of a development company, and a Rabbi with the rank of major in the IDF. Michal Morgenstern is the CEO of a community development organization, and was previously the engineer for a local council.

Rabbi Dovid & Rochel Shatz

Rabbi Dovid Shatz is a psychotherapist, and shliach to IDF security forces. Rochele Shatz works in Beit Chana as an English teacher, coordinator of extracurricular activities, and chair of the teacher’s council.

Internal Vaad Ruchni

The Internal Vaad Ruchni takes concern for the community’s growth spiritually, and looks out for needs and opportunities for growth, while keeping the community inspired and focused on the yishuv mission.

Rabbi Meir & Tzofnat Golding

Rabbi Meir Golding’s family made aliyah from England, giving him a deep understanding of what it means to be a child of Chabad immigrants. Tzofnat Golding grew up on shlichus in an isolated community in the Negev. Both work in special education in Chabad institutions.

Rabbi Dovid & Mushky Caytak

Rabbi Dovid Caytak grew up on shlichus in Ottawa, Canada, and is an acclaimed chazan and singer. Mushky Caytak grew up on shlichus in Devnver, Colorado, and is a dorm mother and teacher in Machon Shoshana seminary in Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Eliyahu & Chaya Hendel

Rabbi Eliyahu Hendel’s parents were amongst a group of young emissaries from America sent by the Rebbe to Israel in the year 1976. Eliyahu and Chaya Mushka both have backgrounds in education, and are passionate about inspiring the community with the light of Chassidus.

Organizational Committees

There are many practical details involved in building a strong and successful community. Community members lead and volunteer in important committees where they have valuable talents and experience to bring the community vision to life.


Extra Education - Boys

Neshei Chabad - Community Building and Welcoming

Anash Chabad - Community Development

Business, & Economy

Health & Safety

Engineering & Planning

Scenery & Atmosphere


Shifra & Puah

Bikur Cholim & Chessed

Chassidic Wisdom Comes to Life